A recent incident of food adulteration has been reported in Valsad, Gujarat, with a customer discovering fungus in multiple tubs of Amul’s Mango Shrikhand products purchased from a DMart store in Vashier Valley. Ratan Singh Chauhan, a local textile merchant, bought the products on a Friday night and went home, only to find fungus in two of the tubs when his family opened them. He then inspected more tubs on the shelves and found that all of them were contaminated with fungus.

Frustrated with the lack of response from the store manager, Chauhan decided to purchase all the affected tubs to prevent the store from replacing them and instead submitted a complaint to the Food and Drug Department, along with video evidence of the incident. This led to a confrontation with the store manager over the issue of video recording in the store.

Chauhan expressed concern over the potential harm that could have been caused if his family had consumed the contaminated Shrikhand without checking it first. He also criticized the negligence of big brands like DMart and Amul, emphasizing that the store manager is responsible for ensuring the proper maintenance of products. This incident highlights the importance of quality control and proper handling of food products, and the need for stricter regulations to prevent such cases of adulteration in the future.