The Malayalam thriller film Sookshmadarshini, starring Basil Joseph and Nazriya, has been receiving positive reviews from critics and audiences alike since its release on November 24. The film’s interesting storyline and making have generated a lot of buzz. To further capitalize on its success, Amul, a popular Indian dairy brand, has incorporated Sookshmadarshini into its latest marketing campaign, featuring Nazriya in its iconic art style. The poster, released with the caption “#Amul Topical: Sookshma Darshini, popular Malayalam movie”, is a unique representation of the film’s lead actress in the Amul style. The Amul girl, a hand-drawn cartoon mascot, has been a beloved and recognizable brand symbol since its inception in 1967, often used to comment on national and political events. Amul’s tribute to Sookshmadarshini is a nod to the film’s success and a clever marketing ploy to further boost its visibility.