The United India Insurance Company Limited (UIIC) has released the interview call letters for the Administrative Officer (AO) Scale 1 posts on February 14, 2025. The interview is the final round of the recruitment process, and candidates who have been shortlisted are advised to download their call letters and keep them safe to carry to the exam hall. The UIIC AO Interview Admit Card 2025 can be downloaded from the official website at or by clicking on the direct download link provided.
The UIIC AO Recruitment 2025 exam will be conducted at various exam centers across the country, and candidates can download their admit card to check details such as exam date, timing, and venue. The admit card will remain active until the date of the interview.
To download the UIIC AO Interview Admit Card 2025, candidates can follow the following steps:
1. Visit the official website of UIIC at
2. Click on the “Careers” section and then “Recruitment” and find the link “Recruitment of Administrative Officer (Scale I) – Generalists and Specialists 2025”.
3. Click on the link “Click Here to Download Call Letter for the Interview”.
4. Fill in the login details, including registration number, password, and date of birth.
5. Fill in the captcha code and click on the login tab.
6. The admit card will appear on the screen, and candidates can download it in PDF format.
The UIIC AO Admit Card 2025 has important details such as name, roll number, registration number, photograph, and signature of the candidate, as well as exam date, timing, and venue. Candidates are advised to check the admit card carefully and keep it safe to avoid any last-minute technical glitches. The admit card is available for download until the date of the interview.