On Govt table: Double Ayushman Bharat’s insurance cover limit, count of beneficiaries | India News

On Govt table: Double Ayushman Bharat’s insurance cover limit, count of beneficiaries | India News

DOUBLING INSURANCE cover under Ayushman Bharat to Rs 10 lakh (and up to Rs 15 lakh for women), adding another 4 lakh private hospital beds under the scheme and increasing the number of beneficiaries from 55 crore to 100 crore — these have been pitched as the Union Health Ministry’s key priorities for the NDA’s third term, The Indian Express has learned.
The key action points have been listed out in the report of the Group of Secretaries (GoS) on social sector that has been tasked to…
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Source: https://indianexpress.com/article/india/on-govt-table-double-ayushman-bharats-insurance-cover-limit-count-of-beneficiaries-9526402/