Union Bank Manager Falls Victim To Scam, Loses Rs 21 Lakh

New Delhi: In a disheartening incident, an Assistant Bank Manager, Nishi Verma from Union Bank of India’s Sitapur district branch, has become the latest victim of an online investment scam. While on official leave, Verma, looking to venture into online trading, joined a Facebook group on December 1, 2023, where fraudsters manipulated her into investing Rs 21 lakh for guaranteed profits.
COMMERCIAL BREAKSCROLL TO CONTINUE READINGThe scammers, posing as group members, shared fabricated success stories and lured her with promises of VIP services in online trading. As her involvement deepened, they convinced her to invest a substantial sum between December 1, 2023, and January 2024….
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Source: https://zeenews.india.com/technology/online-investment-fraud-union-bank-manager-falls-victim-to-scam-loses-rs-21-lakh-2710713.html/amp