The UJALA (Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All) scheme, launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2015, has completed a decade of service. The scheme aimed to provide affordable, energy-efficient LED bulbs, tube lights, and fans to households across India, promoting energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. As of 2025, the scheme has distributed 36.87 crore LED bulbs, resulting in annual savings of ₹19,153 crore. The scheme has also contributed to a significant reduction in carbon emissions and energy consumption.

The Street Lighting National Programme (SLNP) was implemented alongside UJALA, and has installed 1.34 crore LED streetlights, saving 9,001 million units of electricity annually. The programs have had a transformative effect on India’s energy consumption patterns and environmental sustainability, reducing peak demand by 1,500 MW and decreasing CO₂ emissions by 6.2 million tonnes annually. The UJALA scheme has also transformed the lighting market in India, making LED technology affordable and contributing to a global example of energy efficiency.