The three-day International Energy Festival of Kerala (IEFK-2025) has highlighted the importance of energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, urging Andhra Pradesh to play a key role in this effort. The festival commended the state government for launching several initiatives, including the Urjaveer program to promote energy-efficient appliances, the provision of energy-efficient appliances to households under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, and the supply of induction stoves to Anganwadi centers. These initiatives are expected to significantly impact energy efficiency and reduce emissions in the region.

The Building Energy Efficiency (BEE) has implemented stringent measures to enhance energy efficiency, which is critical for climate change mitigation. The S&L program has resulted in 81.64 billion units of energy savings, equivalent to cost savings of approximately Rs 54,324 crore and a reduction of 58 million tonnes of CO2 emissions.

Experts at IEFK-2025 emphasized the importance of public-private participation and comprehensive communication strategies to sustain momentum in energy conservation efforts. The World Health Organization (WHO) noted that air pollution is the leading environmental health risk, contributing to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, and strokes.

The festival also recognized the Indian government’s efforts to promote environmentally responsible living, including the launch of the LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) movement, which encourages mindful and sustainable consumption to protect the environment. With the goal of saving 150 Mtoe by 2030, Andhra Pradesh has been set a target of 6.68 Mtoe. Overall, the IEFK-2025 has stressed the need for collective action to address the pressing issue of energy efficiency and climate change.