Rajasthan HC Sets Aside ‘Recover & Pay’ Order Against HDFC Ergo

Rajasthan HC Sets Aside ‘Recover & Pay’ Order Against HDFC Ergo

Rajasthan High Court has affirmed that in the case of a private vehicle insured against the “Act only Policy”, the insurance company is not liable to compensate the occupants of the vehicle since they are not considered to be the “third parties” as required under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (“Act”). The Court said:“The position of law as it stands at present is that in case of a private vehicle insured against “Act only Policy”, the liability of occupants is not covered as…
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Source: https://www.livelaw.in/high-court/rajasthan-high-court/rajasthan-high-court-rules-insurance-company-not-liable-occupants-act-only-policy-motor-vehicles-act-267335