Air India, with 100 new aircraft added to its order book, is set to expand globally in 2025, according to its CEO Campbell Wilson. The airline’s merger with four Tata airlines and the addition of new aircraft have taken its fleet to 300 planes, increasing its global coverage. Wilson noted that the new aircraft will be supported by a new maintenance facility, flight school, and training center in Bengaluru, Amravati, and Gurugram. The airline is also upgrading its single-aisle fleet and plans to open new lounges in key cities, including Bengaluru and Delhi. Wilson emphasized that the airline’s transformation covers all aspects of its business, including systems, processes, infrastructure, equipment, and people. In 2025, the airline will see an expansion of its global coverage, particularly with the deployment of its twin-aisle fleet, including its first Airbus A350, which is already flying to London and New York.
Air India poised for significant growth, expanding its international footprint under new leadership.
Jan 2, 2025 | Air India, Aviation India