CYLNDR India, a leading production studio, has created a groundbreaking CGI-based video for Emami’s BOROPLUS SOFT Moisturising Cream. The visually stunning film brings the product and its ingredients to life using advanced CGI techniques. The content is seamlessly integrated to create a cohesive narrative, showcasing CYLNDR’s expertise in cutting-edge video technology. The studio’s in-house team of over 50 skilled artists has delivered outstanding work for prominent brands such as Samsung and Evocus. For the BOROPLUS SOFT project, CYLNDR transformed Emami’s vision into an interactive and immersive experience highlighting the cream’s moisturizing benefits. As a leader in CGI and VFX, CYLNDR is redefining advertising with impactful storytelling and cutting-edge visuals. The studio’s innovative approach and expertise in animation tools and artificial intelligence continue to set benchmarks in technology-driven content creation.