Nissan Motor India has launched the “Bold For The Brave” Republic Bonanza, offering special pricing on the New Nissan Magnite for defense personnel, including the Indian Army, Air Force, Navy, and Central and State Police. The initiative is available through the CSD AFD portal and also includes benefits for Central Paramilitary forces. The Magnite has been a successful model, selling over 150,000 units since its launch in December 2020. The company’s Managing Director, Saurabh Vatsa, expressed gratitude for the sacrifices made by India’s armed forces. The special pricing offer is a token of appreciation for their bravery and service to the country. This initiative aims to provide a value-for-money offer to the defense personnel, allowing them to purchase the Magnite at a competitive price.
Nissan salutes its heroes with ‘Bold For The Brave’ special offer for military personnel
by newsworm | Jan 12, 2025 | Automobile, Nissan