‘Huge tribe of women’ on quest for fun, friendship, female empowerment

MILFORD — Kim Moore joined the Jeep Babes looking for a group of friends with whom she could go on off-road adventures.She took her thrill-seeking to new heights when she went extremely off-road and jumped from an airplane in a Tecumseh skydiving adventure.”So empowering!” Moore, a 55-year-old Milford resident, said days after her June 15 jump. “I feel like I could conquer the world!””Empowering” is a word she and her fellow Jeep Babes, of which there are roughly 4,500 of in Michigan,…
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Source: https://www.hometownlife.com/story/life/2024/06/17/milford-jeep-babes-women-jeeps-female-empowerment/74086479007/