Gisele Shaw On Gail Kim: “She Is The Greatest Knockout Of All Time – PWMania

Gisele Shaw On Gail Kim: “She Is The Greatest Knockout Of All Time – PWMania
Gisele Shaw On Gail Kim: “She Is The Greatest Knockout Of All Time – PWMania

TNA Wrestling star Gisele Shaw recently spoke with Fightful’s Jeremy Lambert and Joel Pearl on In The Weeds on a number of topics including TNA Hall of Famer Gail Kim.
Shaw said, “During the time off, it was a self reflection.” “It was a great time for me to just step back, relax, and refocus. Coming in with Gail Kim, she’s a legend. She’s Gail f’n Kim. I always tell her that. The greatest Knockout of all time. Being mentored by someone like that.”
“I watched her…
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