Bio-methane Plant: Construction of Bio-Methane Plants Expected to Begin After Oil India Limited (OIL) Shows Interest | Bhubaneswar News

Bio-methane Plant: Construction of Bio-Methane Plants Expected to Begin After Oil India Limited (OIL) Shows Interest | Bhubaneswar News
Bio-methane Plant: Construction of Bio-Methane Plants Expected to Begin After Oil India Limited (OIL) Shows Interest | Bhubaneswar News

Bhubaneswar: Construction of a proposed waste-to-energy bio-methane plant in the city is expected to take off now after the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) received a detailed project report (DRP) from Oil India Limited (OIL). Planned in 2022, the project has been facing hurdles because no interested party came forward to participate in the tender for the four plants of 50 tonnes per day (TPD) capacity each. If the bio-methane project gets ready, the city’s municipal waste handling…
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