Temple Bracelet

Temple Bracelet
Temple Bracelet

So one of my favorite gifts is from my BFF Melissa, She made me a Temple bracelet. I keep it in my Temple bag and love to use it. So, when I heard both my Sisters-in-Law were going through the Temple, I knew exactly what I wanted to make them. What is a Temple bracelet? It is a pretty bracelet that has a clip attached to hold your Temple name slip while doing a session. What you will need : white and clear beads badge clips jewelry ring stretchy cord First. I take the plastic part off the badge clip and attach a jewelry ring to clip. Next. String beads and clip onto stretchy cord and knot to close. Then you are done, so easy, enjoy. I know my Sisters-in-law are going to love it. Thanks for visiting I would love to see how yours comes out. I had such a wonderful weekend, I got to drive down to Arizona and be with my two sisters-in-law as they got to go through the temple. It was a beautiful day one that will forever be in my memories. Don’t you love those days that are filled with meaningful conversation, roaring laughter, good food and above all the spirit. Also, they loved the bracelets you can see them wearing them in this beautiful picture we took right before we went to the Mesa Temple.