The 14th edition of Wipro’s Earthian Awards was held at Azim Premji University in Bengaluru, recognizing the best efforts of Indian schools and colleges in promoting sustainable actions and thinking. The Wipro Earthian Program, one of India’s largest sustainability education programs, received over 1,500 project submissions, with 23 winning and 43 shortlisted entries selected by an independent jury. The winning teams demonstrated a deep understanding of biodiversity, waste, and water management through activity-based learning programs and written essays.
Over 100 schools were recognized for their efforts by Wipro’s NGO partners, and the Wipro Sustainability Educators Network (SEN) engaged with students and local communities through various activities, such as winter and summer schools, nature camps, and library sessions. The program aims to foster local and contextual learning and insights on sustainability-related issues.
The Wipro Earthian Awards were presented with certificates and cash prizes by the CEO of Azim Premji Foundation and Wipro’s Global Head of Sustainability and Social Initiatives. The program, which has been running for 14 years, is designed to ignite interest and learning in young minds on the relationship between humanity and nature.
In addition to the awards, Wipro Earthian also supported colleges through the ‘Ideas to Impact’ (i2I) challenge, in collaboration with IIT Madras. Five college teams were recognized for their innovative projects in the themes of energy, building materials, and water. The challenge received over 2,000 registrations from schools and colleges across 27 states and aimed to validate eco-innovative ideas and support their transformation into viable prototypes that contribute to a carbon-neutral future.