The Greater Summerville/Dorchester County Chamber of Commerce has opened applications for its annual scholarship program, which provides financial assistance to local high school seniors. The deadline to apply is Friday, March 28. The scholarship program is a partnership with Robert Bosch, LLC, and is part of the Chamber’s Education and Workforce Development Division, aiming to strengthen the local workforce and address global competition and technological advancements.
The program offers four scholarships: two $1,000 STEM scholarships for students pursuing majors in science, technology, engineering, or math at a four-year college or university in South Carolina, and two $500 scholarships for students attending an accredited two-year technical college in South Carolina. Eligible applicants must be graduating seniors from Dorchester County or be the children of Chamber member business owners or employees in good standing.
Since 2011, the Chamber and Bosch have awarded over $70,000 in scholarships to students in the community, raised through Chamber member contributions and fundraising efforts, including 50/50 raffles at Business After Hours events. Interested students can apply for the scholarships on the Chamber’s website,
For more information or to request an application, students can email Caroline Titze at The Chamber and Bosch are committed to supporting the local community and helping students achieve their educational goals.