Karnataka has the highest number of EV stations in India: Bureau of Energy Efficiency  

Karnataka has the highest number of EV stations in India: Bureau of Energy Efficiency  

Around 85% of these EV stations (4,462) are in Bengaluru Urban district
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With 5,765 charging stations, Karnataka has the highest number of public electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in the country, according to the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). Around 85% of these stations (4,462) are in Bengaluru Urban district. The data from BEE shows that Karnataka stands ahead of Maharashtra (3,728 stations), Uttara Pradesh (1,989 stations), and Delhi (1,941 stations)…
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Source: https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/bangalore/karnataka-has-the-highest-number-of-ev-stations-in-india-bureau-of-energy-efficiency/article68544100.ece